Tagalongs are promotional slips that accompany—or “tag along” with CPH orders. This is an excellent opportunity for your organization to be viewed and considered by customers who are actively and regularly making purchases at CPH, including laity, teachers, church workers, and pastors.
When you include a tagalong in our orders, customers’ shipments will simply include the following, ensuring that your tagalong is easily seen—not buried in dozens of papers.
• The product(s) ordered
• A packing slip invoice
• Your tagalong!
Tagalongs start at $.51 for 8.5” × 11” or a 5” × 7” postcard. Volume discounts apply. Larger items require custom quotes.
Loren D. Pawlitz
Executive Director of Marketing and Ecommerce
Concordia Publishing House
3558 South Jefferson Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63118-3968